After a long day’s travel here I am back in Almaty. Ten days of transmissions left. Each of the people I’ve met has helped me fill in one more piece of the jigsaw puzzle – Every face tells a story – Visit our Photo Montage Gradually a picture is beginning to emerge of a fascinating region. A place that has been relatively unknown in the West for so long.
A lot has happened in the last thirty days and I have attempted to convey a flavour of the experience through this new medium. Some of our encounters have been moving, joyous, mysterious even disturbing.
Do these emotions transcend the grainy internet sound and small images?
Computers traditionally have been seen as a very cold and distant medium for communications – it needn’t be that way. Take this opportunity to contact us, let us know what you feel.
Do you like this kind of interaction?
A month ago in Almaty the sun was shining. Today it is raining and the mountains are shrouded in mist. There remains a feeling of having gone back in time, almost as if the last thirty days did not happen. It will be interesting to see if our journey into the mountains can be another exercise in time travel: back to the nomadic roots of Central Asian Music?